Student Handbook

Table Of Contents
  1. Student Enrolment Policy
  2. Student Fees Policy
  3. Recognition of prior learning policy
  4. Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Support Policy
  5. Privacy policy
  6. Unique student identifier (USI)  
  7. National recognition policy
  8. Issue of qualifications and statements of Attainment
  9. Cessation of activities
  10. Work Health and Safety
  11. Advertising and marketing
  12. Access and equity
  13. Complaints
  14. Plagiarism Policy and Procedure
  15. Visas

Student Enrolment Policy

At Evolation Learning, we believe in fairness and equal opportunity. Our policy is to make sure everyone can access high-quality training.

Why This Policy Exists

This policy ensures Evolation Learning’s students get the correct information and steps to enrolling in our Training Programs. This policy addresses Standard 5, specifically sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4.

Who This Policy Covers

This policy is for all the students of Evolation Learning.

How It Works

We’ll give you details about our training programs. You can get this by email or on our website. This tells you about the courses, how to bring in what you already know, costs, and more.

When you enrol and confirm your course, we’ll contact you. We want to make sure you pick the right course for you. Sometimes, we suggest a different place for you to learn.

We’ll take people in the order they confirm their spot. If there’s no more room, we’ll put you on a waitlist and tell you when the next course is.

If someone cancels, we’ll tell the people on the waitlist. If there are enough people, we might start a new course.

We may offer alternatives if you can’t attend class. Depending on where it happens and what you’re learning, this may affect the original quote provided.

If we change something about our offer, we’ll tell you as soon as possible. This includes whether we work with other companies or changes that may affect you.

Student Fees Policy

At Evolation Learning, we charge fair fees for our courses and ensure that students are fully informed about their courses and costs before enrolling. 

Refund for cancellation before training

If you pay for a training program and want to cancel before it starts, we’ll give you your money back, but we’ll keep an enrollment fee. This fee depends on the course you are enrolled in. 

Refund for cancellation after training starts

If you must cancel after the training starts, and there is a valid reason, we might let you finish it later. If that doesn’t work, we might give you some money back. This depends on how much of the training you’ve done and what services you’ve used. We’ll show you the numbers so you know how we calculate it.

Refund for personal reasons

If you change your mind or your work situation changes, we don’t give refunds. But if something serious happens, we will consider your withdrawal individually. The refund will depend on what resources we have provided and how much work you’ve completed. 

Refund Timing

We’ll look at when you signed up, what you’ve done, and the support we’ve given you to decide on the refund.

Other Options

If requested, we will consider a change to another course we offer instead of getting a refund.

Cancelled Programs

If we have to cancel a training program, we’ll give your money back within 14 days of the cancellation. If you can’t do another course with us, we’ll also give you your money back.

Hardship or Special Circumstances

If you’re having difficulty or something extraordinary happened, you can request a refund in writing. But getting a full refund is not guaranteed.

How to Apply for a Refund:

Write to the CEO of Evolation Learning if you want a refund. Tell us why. Depending on the nature of the refund, we will respond to your request outlining any potential refund. The contact details are [email protected]

Payment Collection

We collect fees upfront. We won’t ask for more than $1500 before your course starts. After that, we might ask for more, but never more than $1500 at once.

Payment Plans and Defaults

We reserve the right to cancel your enrollment if you’re on a payment plan and miss a payment. Your enrollment may be cancelled if you owe more than 10% of the total fee or your payment is 21 days late.

Remember, we’ll explain the fees on our website and brochures. If you have questions, write to us. We also may engage a third party to collect any unpaid fees if needed.

Recognition of prior learning policy

At Evolation Learning, we value your previous learning and skills. We will assess your existing qualifications and knowledge to determine how they align with the course competencies you’re enrolling in. We aim to make your training efficient by recognising what you already know.


This policy ensures that all applicants have a consistent, fair, and efficient way to apply for recognition of prior learning. No matter where or how you gained your skills and knowledge, we want to acknowledge it in line with Standard 1, Clause 1.12.


This policy covers seeking recognition for prior learning in vocational education and training programs offered by Evolation Learning. It applies to all staff involved in this process.


Application for RPL

If you want recognition for your prior learning, you must fill out an RPL application form.

Required Evidence

We’ll let you know what evidence is needed for the assessment. This could include but is not limited to work history, job descriptions, documents, certificates, or other proof of your skills and knowledge.

Enrolment and Interview

If you want to move forward, you’ll need to enrol in the specific unit of competency related to your application. You’ll also pay the relevant fee. Then, you’ll have an interview with a trainer/assessor from Evolation Learning. During this interview, your evidence will be assessed, and if needed, further assessments or evidence might be discussed.


The appointed trainer/assessor from Evolation Learning will assess your application and evidence.

Outcome Notification

You’ll receive a written notification of the assessment outcome.

Appeal Process

If you disagree with the assessment outcome, you can appeal. More details about the appeal process can also be found in the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.

Successful Outcome

If your RPL application is successful, your result will be recorded, and a Statement of Attainment will be issued. For those enrolling in Certificate courses, the RPL result will also be included in your Training Plan.

Contact Us

If you have questions about Recognition of Prior Learning, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We’re here to guide you through the process.

Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) Support Policy


Evolation Learning is dedicated to offering assistance and guidance to students who may encounter challenges related to language, literacy, or numeracy skills as outlined in Standard 1, Clause 1.7.


This policy aims to establish a framework for recognising and addressing language, literacy, and numeracy support needs among students.


This procedure applies to our training and assessment staff who work with students engaged in nationally recognised or accredited training at Evolation Learning.


Evolation Learning places significant emphasis on evaluating students’ language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) abilities. But, as a primarily online provider, it recognised that this format may not support students with some LLN support needs. A full refund will be provided if this learning mode doesn’t meet the student’s needs. Evolation Learning will seek to identify potential issues as early as possible in the students’ enrolment to ensure that they are provided with realistic options for completion. 

LLN Skills Check during Enrolment

A non-intrusive assessment of a student’s LLN skills is conducted upon enrollment. Any identified gaps in skills are acknowledged, and appropriate steps are taken to address these gaps during the training period.

Adapting Training Materials for LLN Needs

The training program materials are adjusted to suit the LLN requirements of each student based on feedback from the assessor.

Personalised Support

A one-on-one approach between the trainer and the student might be employed if a student faces language barriers. In certain situations, a student might be advised to work with an interpreter, with associated costs covered by the student.

Recording LLN Information

Upon enrollment, information regarding a student’s LLN skills is documented in their individual LL&N assessments. This information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is stored securely in the student’s file.

Privacy policy

Evolation Learning has an effective administrative system and a student records management system that complies with all privacy legislation to ensure the financial records of the business and students and staff personal details and information are kept private and confidential always. 


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure students and staff personal details and information are kept private and confidential at all times.  


This policy and procedure applies to all staff and students of Evolation Learning. Trainer/assessor staff should have a clear understanding of this policy and procedure so that they can ensure student’s privacy always. 


Evolation Learning is committed to keeping accurate and confidential records about its students and the activities conducted on their behalf. Access is provided to participants in the training program to their own personal records. 

The records management system can provide the registering body with AVETMISS compliant data. Evolation Learning only releases information on participants to the VET Regulatory Authority (ASQA) and State Education and Training Department as required for its registration compliance and funding agreements requirements. 

Only authorised personnel at Evolation can access student records. Authorised personnel will maintain the confidentiality of student records. 

Personal Details 

During the enrolment process, the personal details of students are recorded (ie. name and address) on an internal database.  All personal and financial information are kept confidential. 

No details provided to Evolation Learning are sold or otherwise released to a mailing list or other organisation without the express permission of the individual concerned in writing. Evolation Learning will safeguard all confidential information provided to them by – 

  •  Not disclosing any personal information on participants to a third party, except with the written consent of the student 
  • Providing access to students their personal records upon written request 

Access to Personal Records 

If a student makes an application to obtain access to their personal records, they must do so in writing and provide this written application to Evolation Learning, who will ensure the personal records are provided within seven (7) working days from the date of the application. 

If a student wishes to allow a third party to access their personal records, they must make an application in writing on Release of Information to a Third Party”. The third party will be requested to provide photographic identification before releasing the information. Evolation Learning will provide the information requested within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the application.

Unique student identifier (USI)  


Evolation Learning will meet all its obligations for collecting USI numbers from students for reporting requirements for AVETMISS date under the National VET Provider Collection Data Requirements Policy. Evolation Learning will meet all requirements with the Student Identifier Scheme. 


This policy ensures Evolation Learnings students and staff understand the procedure and requirements for creating and verifying a USI number as of the 1st of January 2015. 


This current policy applies to both students and staff of Evolation Learning. 


As of 1 January 2015, students already enrolled in a qualification with Evolation Learning but have not yet completed it will need a USI before their Statement of Attainment or any other qualification can be issued. Evolation Learning will allow these students to have their USI created through our application process once they supply the required identification and have signed permission for Evolation Learning to apply on their behalf.  

Once this process has been completed and a USI number has been generated, USI will email or text these students with their USI number and details.  Alternatively, students can apply for a USI and provide this to Evolation Learning for verification. However, if assessments are completed but the student has not provided their USI, the issuance of the qualification will be delayed. This same process also applies to students who enrol after 1 January 2015.  

Under the legislation, Evolation Learning can only issue a statement of attainment or qualification to a student with a verified USI.  

Evolation Learning will ensure the security of students’ USI number and all their related documentation under its control, including information stored in its management system. This is further addressed in our privacy policy.  

Evolation Learning will not disclose the USI number or any information provided to create the USI except where authorised. 

Evolation Learning will not display the USI number on any Qualifications/Statements of Attainment provided to the student or employer. 

National recognition policy

Following Standard 3 Clause 3.5, Evolation Learning supports the national policy for national recognition of VET qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTO) regardless of the location of the if that RTO has that qualification on their scope of registration.


 This policy and procedure aim to ensure all staff Evolation Learning is well informed about the process for national recognition and follows the required legislated guidelines.  


The following procedure is to be implemented by all staff within Evolation Learning 


1. Documentation for Students 

Evolation Learning will incorporate information on national recognition in its course documentation. The Student Handbook will ensure participants have information about the opportunity for national recognition of units of competency achieved with an RTO registered to deliver the same units of competency. These units of competency may be included in other Training Packages. 

2. Dissemination to Staff 

Staff will be informed about national recognition as part of the induction and ongoing professional development. This information will also be included in staff meetings as cases arise or circumstances require. 

Upon application by a student for national recognition, they must supply the original statement of attainment or Qualification Certificate (or a certified copy) to Evolation Learning. 

Upon receipt of this documentation, Evolation Learning will validate the documentation and grant credit to the candidate for the unit of competency. This will be recorded on the candidate’s Training Plan. 

The student will then be issued with a written result. 

Issue of qualifications and statements of Attainment


Evolation Learning issues AQF Qualifications and Statements of Attainment to meet the requirements of the current AQF Implementation Handbook and the accredited courses or endorsed Training Packages within its scope of registration.  


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure the correct procedures are adhered to in the issuance of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment following Standard 3 Clause 3.1 – 3.4 


This policy covers all staff involved in the administration, training, delivery and assessment of vocational education and training programs within the scope of registration held by Evolation Learning 


1. Assessment 

Evolation Learning will check that the participant has satisfied the assessment requirements to be given a result of competent or not yet competent in the following manner – 

  • For participants who have completed assessments, check that the Performance Criteria and required knowledge and skills have been met and all requirements of the Assessment Schedule and Assessment Plan. 
  • For Recognition of Prior Learning assessments, check all evidence Against the Training plan and record units for which there is sufficient, valid, authentic and current evidence. 
  • Update all student files, including the Training Plan 

2. Print and sign the Certificate or Statement of Attainment 

  • Check the spelling of the person’s name 
  • Check that the appropriate units of competency are shown 
  • Check that the date of issue is correct 
  • Print or email the Certificate or Statement of Attainment if required
  • Sign the document – authorised persons only to sign 

3.  Enter the details in the Qualifications/Statement of Attainment in the AVETMISS system, and record the person’s name, award and date of issue in the Register.

Prepare the document for mailing or emailing.

Insert the Certificate/Statement into a clear plastic protective pocket.  Include a Compliments Slip with a message of congratulations. Reinforce the envelope with a cardboard insert to prevent folding.  Enter the name, address and date mail in the qualifications register. 

4. Issue of Qualifications/Statements Review 

Qualifications or Statements of attainment will be visually checked by the CEO or Quality Manager at the time of issue before signing to ensure they meet the current Australian Qualifications Framework Implementation Handbook (can be sourced at 

5. Certificates issued are reviewed to ensure they are correct and have the following information: 

  • Name and logo of Evolation Learning 
  • Name of person receiving the qualification 
  • Nomenclature as in the Framework  
  • Date issued 
  • Authorised signatory 
  • Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) Logo following the current conditions of service (can be sourced at 
  • Identifies Evolation Learning by its national provider number from the National Training Information Service 
  • The words ‘The Qualification certified herein is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework’  or the logo is used. 
  • A record of results will be issued together with the qualification. 

For Statements of Attainment, check to ensure that they include 

  • Name and code of the issuing RTO  
  • Name of the person who achieved the competencies or modules 
  • Date issued  
  • A list of competencies (or modules where no competencies exist) showing their full title and the national code for each unit of competency  
  • Authorised signatory  
  • The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo  
  • The State/Territory Training Authority logo (only where the use of the logo is directed by State/ Territory Training Authorities, e.g. within User Choice contracts)  
  • The words A Statement of Attainment is issued by a Registered Training Organisation when an individual has completed one or more accredited units  
  • The words These competencies form part of [code and title of qualification(s)/course(s) (this is optional, where applicable)  
  • The issuing organisation’s seal/ watermark or corporate identifier.  

6. Issue of Statement of Attainments 

Evolation Learning only issues Statement of Attainments, Certificates and records of results once the student has been assessed and the requirements of the training package have been met and completed. Evolation Learning has the right to ensure that any student outstanding fees are finalised before the statement is issued within 30 days  

7. Documentation maintenance 

Evolation Learning maintains records and registers of qualifications for present and past students and is available to students on request.  Evidence of such records is kept electronically by Evolation Learning for a period of 30 years.

8. Requests for copies or re-issue of Statements of Attainment or Qualifications 

In the event of a request or re-issue of a copy of a Statement of Attainment or Qualification Certificate, the student will be charged a fee of $50 to cover administration costs. All printing and postage will also be charged to the applicant. 

Cessation of activities

If Evolation Learning ceases to operate, Evolation Learning will endeavour to support enrolled Students in accessing a suitable alternative Registered Training Organisation to complete their qualification/short course.

Where Evolation Learning ceases to operate, all past and current students will be notified in writing. This notice will inform students that Evolation Learning is ceasing to operate and provide appropriate contact details to students on how they can access their records and/or certifications after the business ceases. Contact may be an appointment at Evolation Learning for some time after cessation. Evolation Learning will inform students that all records will be held by ASQA and advise them to contact ASQA for information.

Work Health and Safety


Evolation Learning will ensure that risk is identified and managed within the organisation and that health and safety standards are in place within Evolation Learning.


This policy and procedure are to be strictly adhered to by all Evolation Learning staff to meet Evolation Learning’s obligations. 


This policy and procedure covers all staff delivering, training and assessing Evolation Learning clients. It also applies to the safety of students and the risk identified in meeting the Standards for continuing registration. 


1. Workplace health and safety 

Evolation Learning will ensure it adheres to workplace health and safety practices at its premises and training locations. Evolation Learning will document any safety incidents on the Evolation Learning Accident Injury Report. Appropriate action and reporting will be undertaken according to the incident. 

2. Induction Procedures

All clients have access to our Student Handbook before the commencement of the training program. This Handbook provides information on Company policies such as Access and equity, Complaints and Appeals, Recognition of Prior Learning and Refund, national recognition of qualifications or statements of attainment issued by other RTOs, RPL, and the training program being undertaken.   Before the commencement of each training program, the Student Handbook will be issued an induction process will be carried out. Students will be informed of the following:  

  • facilities and services available, 
  • details of the training program and its duration, session plans, etc. 
  • any specific requirements for specific training activities and  
  • any known hazards or risks identified and procedures developed to eliminate them. 

3. Personal Safety

Evolation Learning and its contractors are dedicated to providing a safe working environment and ensuring all trainers/assessors know relevant safety procedures.

Before each training program commences, a risk assessment will be carried out in the training area to identify potential hazards or risks. Evolation Learning and its contractors will ensure that all persons training and assessing are qualified.

Training in a specific safety procedure will be conducted on an ‘as required’ basis.

Evolation Learning and its contractors will ensure adequate clothing and equipment is specified and worn whenever there are risks associated with any activity.

Alcohol, unauthorised drugs and firearms are expressly prohibited.

Evolation Learning, its contractor, its trainers and assessors and any person in the training area are to abide by the relevant requirements of Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation as it applies to the training environment. Evolation Learning is to ensure its contractors and personnel are kept informed of relevant legislation requirements.  

4. Equipment 

Evolation Learning and its contractors will ensure all equipment and materials on the training site are maintained and updated as required.

Evolation Learning will identify the need for adequate insurance coverage depending on the level of risk involved and cover for Professional Indemnity.  Public Liability will be a requirement of Evolation Learning’s insurance portfolio.

Associated Documentation

  • Standards for National Vocational Regulator Registered Training Organisations (SNR) 
  • Workplace Health and Safety Act 
  • Workplace Health and Safety Codes of Practice 

Advertising and marketing


Evolation Learning is committed to a policy of ethical advertising and marketing of its products and services for training and assessment and any associated activities. 


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that all advertising and marketing that Evolation Learning produces is accurate, ethical, and abides by the standards set down by Standard 4 Clause 4.1 


 This policy and procedure covers all staff involved in designing, developing, modifying, or customising any advertising or marketing material Evolation Learning produces. 


When Evolation Learning requires advertising, the designated staff member will design a draft of an advertisement, ensuring that –

  • All qualification titles and codes are accurate and use correct nomenclature. 
  • Only accredited qualifications or units are stated as such. 

When a recommendation or statement and testimonials from clients or any other person or organisation are used as part of any advertising or marketing material produced by Evolation Learning, we will get prior written permission to use this material.

Evolation Learning will only advertise or market training programs as AQF qualifications if they are included in Evolation Learning’s current scope of registration.

The conditions for using the NRT logo in marketing material will be adhered to as clearly defined in the NRT logo specifications, which can be sourced at 

Any advertising or marketing material will clearly state those programs it offers, which accredited programs are leading to AQF qualifications, and/or Statements of Attainment.

Any advertising or marketing material for training programs not nationally recognised or accredited, leading to AQF qualifications and/or Statements of Attainment, will be advertised separately from any other training/assessment services.

Once the delegated staff member produces any advertising or marketing material in draft form, the draft will be forwarded to the CEO of Evolation Learning, who will duly authorise such material seven (7) days before its use.

Upon authorisation by the CEO of Evolation Learning, any advertising or marketing material will be proofread by the designated staff member and trainer/assessor and forwarded to the organisation nominated by The CEO resulting from the three (3) quotations obtained.

The advertising and/or marketing material will then be produced in its engrossed form and forwarded to any media authorised by the CEO for reproduction and dissemination.

A copy of the final draft will be placed in Evolation Learning files, together with the authorisation of the CEO and the successful quotation.

A copy of any advertising and/or marketing material will be placed on Evolation Learning files once this has been produced in its disseminated form.

Access and equity


Evolation Learning will meet the needs of individuals and the community by integrating access and equity guidelines. It will apply equity principles to ensure equality of opportunity without discrimination following Standard 5 Clause 5.1 by: 

  • Our trainers/assessors at Evolation Learning can access support for any student requiring specialist teaching to improve their literacy level—liaising with other disability support groups to ensure that different special needs can be catered for in areas where Evolation Learning has no knowledge or experience.  
  • Ensuring that the training materials and assessment documentation are written at a clear and easily understood level. 
  • Providing support with tutorial assistance for any student who is encountering learning difficulties. 
  • Meeting legislative requirements 
  • Satisfying individual student needs 
  • Enabling student outcomes to be met 
  • Addressing community needs 
  • In addition to formal reviews, our policy will be checked whenever legislation changes or we discover circumstances not covered by it. 


This policy and procedures provide guidelines for providing opportunities for all people, regardless of their background.  Evolation Learning supports government policy initiatives and provides access opportunities whenever possible or seeks assistance for students from the relevant Agency or department. 


This policy and procedure cover all staff who administer, deliver, train, and assess training programs delivered to our clients. 


Evolation Learning will ensure the establishment of non-discriminatory student selection procedures that encourage fair access for members of underrepresented groups. 

Upon enrollment, each student must complete a written LL & N assessment. Upon assessing a student for any support required for language, literacy, numeracy or other barriers to learning, Evolation Learning will provide opportunities for people with language/literacy barriers by:  

  • Providing tutorials for students with learning difficulties– students having difficulty understanding or interpreting information. 
  • Establishing liaisons with organisations and government departments that are responsible for assisting and supporting people with barriers to learning – e.g., Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service – where there is a need for specialised support because of work injury or work-related health problems.  These are confidential. 

1. Procedure when a student attends our Training Programs 

On identification of disability/learning barriers on enrolment or throughout training by Evolation Learning, clients will be assessed and supported by  

  • an assessment completed by each student on enrolment. Each assessment is individually checked by our trainer/assessors, who all hold a current LL&N 
  • individual support to improve capacity to meet criteria. For example, if a student struggles with language, we provide an audio version of the document that the student is required to study, maintaining confidentiality 

2. Procedure for Referrals from Outside Agencies or Organisations: Upon referral from an outside Agency or organisation, Evolation Learning will 

  • determine the nature of the problem where possible, and identify the needs 
  • respond to individual/organisation needs where able – flexibility is often required to meet particular needs e.g. rehabilitation clients or those referred by medical practitioners 
  • Provide flexible access, tutorial support, and individual tuition as required 
  • Report back to support agency/organisation where required –  
  • liaise with representatives throughout training 

3. Review of Access and Equity Policy and Procedures 

Evolation Learning will review policies and procedures to ensure they meet legislative and regulatory requirements and operate effectively. It will monitor changes in legislation and regulations to ensure that any new needs are catered for.   

Evolation Learning will also document any recommendations for change and record when these changes are implemented – based on our own experience or those of other organisations, through personal contact, others, or through media.


Students have the right to submit complaints or appeals to Evolation Learning regarding academic decisions, procedural matters, or issues that directly relate to the successful completion of their course.

Evolation Learning supports the student’s right to lodge any complaint or appeal and will not restrict that right in any way. Evolation Learning will do everything possible to address any complaint or appeal unbiasedly and professionally.

This Policy is designed to encourage the confidential resolution of complaints and appeals with minimum delay and formality for any student who believes that she or he has been unfairly treated and has an issue with Evolation Learning. 


The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure that complaints and appeals are resolved appropriately following Standard 6 Clauses 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6


This policy and procedure applies to all Evolation Learning staff and students. Trainer/assessor staff should clearly understand this policy and procedure to ensure students understand this process. 


Complaints and appeals may include, but are not limited to, academic matters, discrimination, complaints related to access and conditions, and complaints related to training/assessment or support services or provision of Company facilities. 


A student dissatisfied with academic decisions or procedural issues should submit their complaint in writing or email to appeal to the CEO within twenty-eight (28) days of the issue or the assessment. The address where complaints and appeals can be submitted is The CEO-Evolation Learning Pty Ltd, 39 Chalker St THIRLMERE NSW 2572. Or email the CEO [email protected] using the subject line “Complaint”.

  • A complaints form can be obtained from the CEO by email request.  
  • The CEO will investigate within ten (10) days, assess the situation and take appropriate action to resolve the problem.  The complaint will be recorded on the Complaints and Appeals Register, and a copy of the complaint or appeal will be filed with the register. 
  • If the complaint concerns instruction or assessment, the CEO will arrange a meeting with the trainer/assessor and the student to discuss the issue. 
  • Complaints relating to fellow students will be handled similarly, with a meeting between the student involved and the CEO. 
  • If any complaint or appeal is not resolved in the above manner, the person appealing should document their issue in writing to the CEO. 
  • In the event of a complaint or appeal against Evolation Learning, staff or fellow student involving an alleged breach of civil law, the student should contact the CEO, and if not resolved, should be referred to the appropriate authority, government department or independent arbiter.  
  • In case of a complaint or appeal against Evolation Learning, either party or both parties can access the National Complaints Hotline (1800 00 674) for further support. If a student requires further help, or should an outcome not be acceptable to the student after the Evolation Learning process is completed, complaints or appeals can be lodged through ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) – 595 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000  (1300 701 801). 
  • Should the person making the complaint or appeal not be satisfied with the decision, a process for resolution will be undertaken by the student and Evolation Learning. 
  • In the case of using an independent arbiter, an agreement is to be reached between Evolation Learning and the relevant student regarding the external consultant to be engaged in the external appeal process. Consultants engaged in the appeal process must hold recognised qualifications that meet the human resource requirements for the relevant course. 
  • Where a student wishes to use an external consultant whom Evolation Learning does not approve, the student is responsible for paying all costs associated with using the external consultant in the appeal process. 
  • Upon resolution of the issue, the outcome of the complaint or appeal stating the reasons for the decision will be provided in writing to the person making the complaint or appeal.  A copy of the appeal or complaint and a document of the outcome supplied will be kept in Evolation Learning’s records. 
  • Where the RTO considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, the RTO  informs the complainant or appellant in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required, and regularly updates the complainant or appellant on the progress of the matter. 
  • An appeals and re-assessment process is integral to all training and assessment pathways leading to a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of   Attainment under the Australian Recognition Framework. 
  • All ongoing or completed complaints and appeals are securely stored in a secure drive only accessible by authorised personnel. 
  • Once a complaint or appeal has been finalised, all results and corrective action taken are recorded in the Complaints and Appeals Register. 

Plagiarism Policy and Procedure

  1. Evolation students will adhere to this Policy and Procedure at all times.
  2. Evolation Learning considers plagiarism as taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
  3. Plagiarism includes the use of materials without attribution, including but not limited to:
  • Identical or substantially the same submissions of another student’s work.
  • Printed materials such as books and journals
  • Software such as computer programs
  • Websites
  • Data
  • Audio visual materials.

Where plagiarism is identified, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. An initial evaluation of the student’s work will be conducted, and potential plagiarism will be identified.
  2. The student will be approached and asked to offer a written explanation regarding the concerns raised.
  3. The CEO will evaluate the potentially plagiarised work and respond to the student, identifying the concerns and potential impact on the student’s enrolment.
  4. An outcome will be reached and communicated to the student.

Use of AI Tools

Evolation Learning recognises the use of AI tools as research and study tools. If these tools are used, they must be acknowledged.

All use of AI tools must demonstrate that the responses are not copied and pasted and that the student contributed to the response.

The difference between collaboration and plagiarism

Collaboration refers to working constructively and ethically with others, whereas plagiarism involves taking someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as your own without giving proper credit.

1. Collaboration: Collaboration in academic settings refers to working with others to complete a task or project. It involves actively engaging with peers, exchanging ideas, and contributing to a shared learning outcome. Collaboration promotes teamwork, critical thinking, and the development of new perspectives. An example of collaboration is when a group of students work together on a project, dividing tasks, discussing ideas, and sharing resources. The assessment work submitted must still demonstrate the student’s input and wording.

2. Plagiarism: Plagiarism, on the other hand, is an act of academic dishonesty where someone uses someone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution. This can include copying and pasting text from a source without citation, paraphrasing someone else’s ideas without giving credit, or using someone else’s work as your own. It is important to always properly cite and reference any sources used in a student’s work to avoid plagiarism.

3. Summary: Collaboration involves working together with others ethically and constructively, whereas plagiarism involves using someone else’s work or ideas without proper attribution. Collaboration promotes teamwork and the exchange of ideas, while plagiarism undermines academic integrity and the principles of originality. It is crucial to note the difference between the two and always to give credit to the original authors when using external sources in their submissions.

Evolation Learning may enforce any of the following penalties on participants who plagiarise others’ work:

  • A warning and resubmission of the assessment task
  • Cancellation of their enrolment and
  • Loss of course fees.


Evolation Learning is not registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

Any student wishing to study with Evolation Learning and holds a visa is encouraged to contact Evolation Learning to ensure all requirements are met. There can be limitations on students with specific visas for studying with Evolation Learning.

Often, most visas will not impact a student’s ability to Study with Evolation Learning; however, some categories of visas may affect a student’s ability to complete the course. Mainly, students who hold “Student Visas” wishing to use the course they wish to achieve with Evolation Learning to maintain or gain the visa; cannot use the course to meet these criteria as we are not CRICOS registered.

It is important to note that the student is responsible for ensuring that they comply with their visa conditions and requirements, and this is not the responsibility of Evolation Learning. 

Any student who holds a Visa must notify Evolation Learning to ensure that appropriate checks can be conducted to ensure that the course of study will assist the student and meet the student’s needs.